In memoriam, Gloria Pennington
"Joining you all in expressing true sorrow for the passing of a great lady, who touched the lives of those who were fortunate to have met her but as importantly if not more, the countless others who never met her but were beneficiaries for her giving, efforts and a tireless dedication to making life better for others."
Ali Abu-Alfa, MD
"Gloria was a real presence. A fountain of energy, enthusiasm and drive, combined with a caring and compassionate nature. Condolences to Tom. She will be missed."
Nick Clements
"Gloria Pennington was a remarkable advocate for medical issues: she was warm, passionate and effective in her roles as international executive director of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, board member of the New York Chapter of the Red Cross and cofounder and first President of the Global Fibrosis Foundation. Her selfless advocacy will serve as a remembrance to everyone who has worked with her."
Irwin Braverman, MD
"It's hard to imagine a world without Gloria--she was a dynamic, persuasive, and tenacious advocate for those less fortunate than her. She was the inspiration for the formation of the GFF and its engine for years. She is irreplaceable!"
Shawn Cowper, MD